My youngest recently had a snowman themed birthday party. I was trying to figure out a cute door decoration that I could keep up past the party and I came up with this Embroidery Hoop Snowman.
A few months back I found this bag of embroidery hoops at Goodwill for $1.49. I didn't have anything specific in mind for them, but at that price I couldn't pass it up.
Once I had decided on the snowman I gathered my materials:
3 embroidery hoops, white fabric, stabilizer (optional), Buttons, Ribbon, Tacky glue.
I took white fabric and stabilizer (because the fleece I used was stretchy) and placed it as tightly as I could ithe embroidery hoops. Then I took the buttons and attached them with Tacky glue. I let that dry overnight then made a bow instead of a scarf and attached it with tacky glue as well.
Once everything was dry I ran a ribbon through the top of each hoop then I tied the 3 hoops together and made another knot about 2 inches higher to make a loop to hang it on the door.
I love that this decoration will be cute long after Christmas is over. Snowmen are my favorite winter decoration.
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